Harvest Festival


This an exciting time of the year for Waterford food and drink producers to showcase their  endeavours, be that this year, the format is slightly changed, but non the less it is surly worth a visit to the oldest city in Ireland, the Déise.


For Viking Irish drinks, this is second year to participate, our one gig this year is Pairing cider the Waterford way, this a free online with Facebook Saturday 12th at 7pm with Julie Ward of Ardkeen super food stores asking the questions, I will explore the ingredients, techniques that makes the finished product. I will be showing and tasting our Viking Irish ‘Hop it’ cider, now this is something different and exciting. A hop cider you say, yes, this cider is flavoured with three different hops from cascade which exudes a distinct spicy citrus aroma and a hint of grapefruit, to amarillo hops creates a delicious orange citrus flavour and finally Citra or as it was known as 114, these hops portray  tropical fruits to the cider and adds balance to the other two hops.  The process is delicate, we use a blend of Katy a dessert early apple, which is fruity and medium acidity, Vicky is a relatively new bittersweet cider early apple  named after Vicky Child who helped make the original pollinations and sections. Our two ciders are blended in the spring and in small batches of 300 litres we dry hop the cider, for a varied  time period , depending on outside temperature and humidity , we try to get each batch the same , but they do have small differences each time.

We will be pairing our hop cider with Knockalara farmhouse cheese from Cappoquin Co. Waterford, we could not ask for a better pairing .

So, you can join in the fun, simply go to Ardkeen quality food store and purchase your’ Hop it’ cider and knockalara cheese or buy direct from us at www.vikingirishdrinks.com and follow us on facebook Saturday 12th of September at 7 pm.   

P.S buy some Sheridan’s crackers also.   


Enjoy …. David Dennison, cider, wine, liqueur maker.                                      

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